I'm just a hobbyist artist. I do art on the side, I would like to do projects of my own with other talented artists out there.
Avatar drawn by Owen Fishback

Age 32, Male

Freelance Cartoonist

Joined on 10/9/17

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TheSketchyArtist's News

Posted by TheSketchyArtist - October 17th, 2024

A lot of insanity is going on with twitter on removing the block feature. So expect a lot of people to be coming from twitter to here. Its the tumblr apocalypse all over again, only this time people are running away from the undead bird using their art for AI.



Posted by TheSketchyArtist - July 15th, 2024

People have been getting busted a lot around here lately, and one of the people who happens to be busted has gone public. As Kyle Carrozza has been arrested for having the possession of CP in his personal computer. Now. You're probably asking. How did I know Carrozza? Lets start from the beginning.

Years ago, around 2008. I discovered the work of Kyle Carrozza, through his Nickelodeon cartoon Moobeard the cow pirate. Nothing came out of that pilot, but I wish it did. Since it had everything I was asking for in terms of what I was looking for a cartoon at the time(appealing designs, great characters, funny animation, and something that felt fresh and made it stand out). I don't know why the short didn't get greenlight for a show(then again, it was produced by the same place that made Adventure time, before Cartoon Network picked it up and made it into a show).

I actually did find some of the original ideas he had promising for potential shows when he wasn't doing storyboards. Some of which could've translated well into video games too. He had a webcomic too, Frog Raccoon Strawberry, I even got a shout out on the webcomic he did for suggesting the recap layout for the story that was using the color format of old school video games(I later found out he rubbed out my name when he reposted the comic years later on webtoons, which I will assume later in this post). Now lets fast forward a bit. It was 2012, I saw Kyle was tagged on a post regarding on a Nickelodeon show he did storyboards on. The show in question? Fanboy and Chum Chum.

It turns out the episodes he did storyboards on was finally airing, and it was a first seeing some of the title cards that were done the episode. Now after saying this harmless comment 'I never saw the show, but I do love how the title cards are drawn here'. Without warning. I got a rather vulgar message from Kyle, thankfully, I still have it.


I honestly never understood HOW someone as professional as he is would misread a harmless comment. I never said anything vulgar about the show, all I said was I never saw it. To him. Saying that you never saw a show that he worked equaled 'it sucks'. I later decided to back away from Carrozza since getting that message felt like this . I explained what happened to some of my friends who I was close to, and they explained to me that this wasn't new, as Kyle did yell in a similar manner to people 'outside the industry' before. I felt disgusted by this. Seeing an artist who was in the field resort to doing this sort of thing was childish, even by the fact that he kept on doing it to those outside of the field. I later called out Carrozza's bad behavior(even drawing this since I disliked that he misread my comment for a hateful one), this shocked some people, but to some of his friends in his circle, they were quite angry I was calling out his bad behavior.

All of the messages were the same. Most of them were in the 'you can't draw', 'Kyle will be the better artist than you', etc etc. I didn't think anyone would stoop low to defend a guy like him. And all of them were send to me anonymously(aka, the coward's way out of messaging). I'm not giving names, but I got a few guesses who could've send those. His webcomic I mentioned, Frog Raccoon Strawberry, somewhat vanished since the domain site Dumm Comics(which hosted other great web comics by talented artists) was nowhere to be found. I found out that Kyle's comic was later re-uploaded onto webtoons(knowing what's happened now, I would imagine that webtoons is gonna remove it since they don't want to give a pedophile a platform). I re-looked through the comics, and I found the one that I was credited on, and not surprisingly, my name was rubbed out. I wouldn't put it past me if Kyle was still sore on the fact that I called out on his rude behavior over title cards for a show he storyboarded on.

Let's skip a little to 2020, I gone my separate ways from Carrozza, a good long time after I called him out. He got a show for Cartoon Network(which later got thrown under a bus in favor of CN's own answer to Spongebob Squarepants), and a guy by the name of Lincarox was busted for having a bit of a history with Kyle to the point where he was stalking Kyle. I'm only human. I felt sorry for the guy, I talked about this with a good friend of mine on here, and he suggested I try to patch things up with Kyle since I was also stalked by Lincarox(which that itself is a story for another day). I tried getting in touch with Carrozza from someone I know, he didn't want to speak to me about it. That was one of the other red flags about him. He would't hear anyone else's side of dealing with a stalker, let alone a stalker that had a history with him for quite sometime. So I dropped it, and moved on.

Lets fast forward to now. Its 2024. And Kyle has been arrested for having a shitload of CP on him. I have a question to those who yelled at me sending me hateful anonymous messages. 'You still gonna defend that SOB?" I hate being right sometimes, but Kyle was one of those guys who I figured SOMETHING was wrong with him, but in the end, he ended up becoming the monster he hated, just John K 2.0(that comic he did that made fun of him has now aged poorly) unlike John, Kyle has been arrested for his actions. Don't drop the soap ya perverted bastard.



Posted by TheSketchyArtist - January 10th, 2024

2023 wasn't much to write hope about. I wont go into detail with it. It just felt like a repeat of what happened to me a few years before, I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere as an artist. I'm going to determine myself to make sure I'd be the one kicking the year in the rear. This will be the year for me.



Posted by TheSketchyArtist - January 7th, 2023

Alright, its been almost a week since 2023 started. So far. Things are somewhat alright from the looks of things. Now its time to get started on being a bit more crafty with my artwork for this year. Lets make some art.


Posted by TheSketchyArtist - November 7th, 2022

2022 is almost at the end of its course, but that will not stop from the powers that be from screwing with the little people. Twitter seems to be going bonkers since Elon bought it and is turning it into a bigger dumpster fire than it needs to be. If that place goes sooner or later, I'll just relocate myself here. You can expect to see more of me on here then since twitter has literally flew the coop into the fire and its not coming out.


Posted by TheSketchyArtist - March 8th, 2021


Check this out guys and gals. I had to keep my lips sealed about this. I got to co-write a few bits for my friend's short film, 'No Splash Photography Please!'. I'm quite proud of being on board with this short. I hope you find it funny.



Posted by TheSketchyArtist - November 8th, 2020

Hello everyone. I've been a bit silent for the last few days. Now, you've may have noticed that some of my art that was previously on here has been removed. Now before you ask 'where is it?? where did it go?!" calm down. I'll fill you guys in on what has happened that has resorted to me to removing some of my art on here(and changing my username if you havent noticed). I was informed a few weeks ago that someone on Deviantart was using some of my drawings of my character Bombzo the bomb clown for shitposting purposes on that website. At first, I ignored it. I didn't think it was that big of a deal to me at the time, except I was later informed about made me concerned.

The person who was doing this was also claiming the credit for said character. I've contacted someone from deviantart through email, even citing the sources on where this was going on that website that this person was stealing my artwork. While I have seen one of the accounts taken care of, the person who is doing this has made seven more accounts to continue this. Situations like what I've had witnessed is why Deviantart needs to go the way of the do-do bird. If they're not going to do squat about this since the person who's using my art for shitposting purposes more than once, they need new management to take care of shit like this. This has happened to others(in terms of having their art stolen), and frankly. I'm quite annoyed that this shit is considered 'acceptable' by DA standards. I've had to remove a majority of my old art that had an old signature which I will as of now not use ever again since it's been affiliated with trolling purposes. From now on. A majority of my SFW art will have my real name, while any NSFW(e.g drawings like burlesque pieces or anything else in that nature) will have a different signature. I've archived all of the drawings that had my old signature on them, I think it would be best if any of my nsfw would be just Newgrounds exclusive art(If I decide to share any announcements of that, I'll crop the drawings to make them more SFW since some of my peers aren't comfortable with that kind of artwork for outside of NG).

Until then. Take it easy friends. 2020 has been quite a wild ride, we're almost of the woods. Just keep your chin up.


Posted by TheSketchyArtist - August 22nd, 2019

Going through a creative and a personal sad rut is never fun.

Posted by TheSketchyArtist - December 14th, 2018

I recently got some new followers(some of which are people I know off of Newgrounds). And I know there are some people who like originality, while others want fan-art. So let me ask you guys this. What do you want to see from me? You want to see some of my original characters? Or do you want me to do fan-art of things already known? I can do both, but I want to hear what you guys say first. 

Posted by TheSketchyArtist - December 19th, 2017

I haven't been active much on here. I've been dabbling here and there with different ways of doing art. I've been trying to get myself back into the swing of doing digital artwork. As much as I love to do traditional art, Newgrounds seems to be very picky about traditional artwork(well, from what I've seen anyways). 

I'll be trying to improve with digital methods starting next year. So expect new things from me for next year.